Tag Archives: Flowers


Anthurium nabat delivery Egypt plants

Anthurium FAMILY: ARACEAE ORIGIN: CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA Anthurium hybrids an-THUR-i-um ANTHURIUM, FLAMINGO FLOWER THE COLORFUL, WAXY, HEART-SHAPED SPATHES of anthurium, which are often seen in cut-flower arrangements, are the reward for growing this tropical plant. Older anthuriums were temperamental, but advances in inbreeding in the last few decades have resulted in plants that are […]

Euryop spectinatus 


Euryops pectinatus Family: Asteraceae Common names: woolly resin bush, golden euryops, golden daisy bush (Eng.), View other plants in this familyQR code linkView other plants in this genus This is a colourful, easily grown shrub from the winter rainfall region. Description Euryops pectinatus is a shrub up to 1.5 m in height and has distinctive soft, grey-green […]