
Aya Abdelazez With an extensive background in Urban and Regional Planning college with a qualification in Urban Planning, she eager to use my knowledge to learn more in Urban Planning field. Strong familiarity with Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD) programs and 3D computer graphics program for making 3D models. Studying Project Management to be more aware with Construction management

You can contact Aya at Nabat Delivery


  • Assistant General Manager, ECOM-CREATION COMPANY, ECOMMERCE. - Developing project strategies and make a schedule. - Reporting the Company income and analyze it into numerical data. - Support customer service and shipping issues. Accomplishments: Supporting the directory staff with a detailed report saving 20% of the company’s outcome, conducted to win the meeting.


  • URBAN DESIGN/LANDSCAPE, AT” GATEWAY FOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT” - Urban and Landscape Design for El-Ehsaa district in Saudi Arabia. - Road Design and facilities for Prince Faisal district in Saudi Arabia
  • URBAN DESIGN/LANDSCAPE, AT “MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM, EGYPT” - Adequate knowledge of the issues arising within urban development.


Education: FEB 2020 – JUN 2022 IN PROGRESS PRMG DIPLOMA, AUC. • Project Planning and Control Techniques (PRMG 010). - Concept of project management - Resource, scheduling - Targeting, updating, and float trend analysis SEP 2014 – JUN 2019 BA, FACULTY OF URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING, CAIRO UNIVERSITY. •Department: Urban Planning. – Total Grade: B. – Graduation Project: B+
Location: Cairo City, Egypt

About The Nabat Delivery

The Nabat Delivery, a green solution services Nabat Delivery Agriculture services

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